To Connie...

"Fledgling is and always will be dedicated to my grandmother Connie, who taught me the beauty of fantasy. Her bedroom wall was a shrine to fiction — from Lord of the Rings to the Dragonriders of Pern, my grandmother escaped the world around her through myth and whimsy. She always loved my drawings, and I would not be the person I am today without her love and support. I miss you every day."



  • My husband Aaron, for asking me all of the right questions, for your unending support and love, and for your promise to stick with me. Legally, even.

  • My father Joseph, for taking on double, triple, and quadruple duty when necessary, and for never trying to make me be anything else than exactly who I am.

  • Jakob Nelson, for taking this gigantic leap of faith.

  • KC and Audrey, for teaching me how to be a grown-up.

  • Delia Colbert, for inspiring me, and for reading the whole damn manuscript.

  • Roy Farrell, for convincing me to start, and not to stop, ever.